Community Development Block Grants Disaster Recovery


The DR-4317 application cycle is closed.  


Navigate to Bid Opportunities, Reports and Plans


Disaster Recovery grants assist local communities and other entities with long-term recovery, restoration of infrastructure and economic revitalization related to specific Presidentially-declared disasters.

On June 2, 2018, President Donald Trump approved Missouri’s request for a major disaster declaration (DR-4317) in response to the severe storms, tornadoes, straight-line winds, and flooding during the period of April 28 to May 11, 2017. On April 10, 2018, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allocated nearly $28 billion in Community Development Block Grant disaster recovery (CDBG–DR) funds for unmet needs due to the national disasters of 2017.  Of that 28 billion, Missouri will receive an allocation of $58,535,000 in disaster recovery funds to help alleviate the unmet housing, infrastructure, and economic.

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This category provides funding for communities impacted by the DR-4317 disasters, primarily in southern Missouri, with a primary objective of addressing unmet housing needs. Applications are periodically accepted through a competitive process.

Programs included:

Affordable Multi-Family Rental Recovery

Provides funding for new construction of affordable multi-family rental housing units in areas impacted by the flooding event.  Development teams may leverage a variety of funding sources, including LIHTC funding.

Down Payment Assistance

This program provides funding for low-to-moderate income persons wishing to buy into affordable housing stock, outside of a floodplain or disaster risk reduction area, within the subrecipient’s jurisdiction.

Infrastructure in Support of Affordable Housing

This program provides funding for construction of publicly-owned infrastructure, including but not limited to sidewalks, roads, water, sewer, and stormwater, as well as related activities, such as site clearance/demolition and engineering/design of publicly-owned infrastructure, which are necessary to support the development of affordable owner-occupied housing.

Voluntary Buyouts

This program allows subrecipients to acquire residential real property with tiebacks to the  2017 flooding event,  as well as clearance and demolition to remove all associated structures from the floodplain. Properties are required to be maintained as open space and returned to a natural floodplain function.

 For more information on past CDBG-DR disaster periods, please see the Disaster Information section below.

Do I Qualify?

Eligible applicants are units of general local government (UGLGs), cities and counties only, within the 55 Presidentially Declared Disaster counties under DR-4317.  Those entities may also make applications “on-behalf of” eligible entities whereby the sub-applicant is provided the CDBG- DR funds for their use to carry out the agreed upon, eligible activities. Additional eligibility requirements may apply by specific program.


LMI National Objective

Any community attempting to qualify a project under the LMI Area Benefit (LMA) National Objective by Census must use the FY 2023 ACS 5-Year 2011-2015 Low- and Moderate-Income Summary Data, available on HUD’s website.  Data may be accessed on the right hand column of the website by selecting “Local Government Summaries” for municipal- and county-level data, or one of the other dataset links for other defined Census geographies.

**Please note that, at this time, HUD has not updated its LMI Mapping Tool with FY23 data so this should not be used to determine your project’s eligibility.


FY23 Income Limits

HUD has published the new income limits for any local income surveys.

How Do I Apply?

The DR-4317 Application and Guidelines are available

DR-4317 Process Overview

1.    Review DR-4317 Application Guidelines and project-specific Policy

2.    Sign in or create an account in Submittable.

3.    Create an application and add Collaborators.

4.    Submit application by deadline DATE.

5.    Applications will be reviewed for completeness and accuracy by CDBG staff

6.    Address application inaccuracies via Submittable



Need Help?


CDBG Phone: (573)751-3600

Quick help links

CDBG DR-4317 Application Training (February 8, 2024)

CDBG-MIT & CDBG-DR Application Training

ADC vs. Admin Costs Training


Program Notes







Citizen Participation Plans

The Department addresses Citizen Participation for all CDBG projects in its Consolidated Plan document.  For each disaster supplemental appropriation, any variation to the Citizen Participation Plan is addressed in the relevant Disaster Action Plan and Disaster Application and Guidelines.

Draft plan (public comment closed April 22, 2024):  

Currently approved plan:

Previous plans:



DRGR Action Plans




Quarterly Reports:

Contract Reporting:



Bid Opportunities

Current Bid Opportunities:

Awarded Contracts:




Disaster Recovery (DR) Policy Manual:

2019 Disaster (DR-4451-MO):

Active Action Plan:



Action Plan Archive:

2017 Disaster (DR-4317-MO):

Active Action Plan:


Action Plan Archive:

Past Amendments:

2013 Disaster:

2013 Disaster HUD Grant Agreement:

Disaster Federal Register Notice:

Active Action Plan:

2013 Disaster FEMA MO Declared Counties:

2013 Activities Consistent with Action Plan:

2013 Contract Reporting:

2012 Disaster:

Activities Consistent with Action Plan:

2008 Disaster:

2008 Activities Consistent with Action Plan: