- Additional BEAD Information
Approved Initial Proposal Volume I and Volume II
Missouri’s Initial Proposal Volume I (governing the state challenge process and BEAD eligibility) and Volume II (governing subgrantee selection for carrying out BEAD broadband deployment projects) have been approved by NTIA.
BEAD Project Area Submission Window Extended, Local Coordination Template Available
DED's Office of Broadband Development (OBD) is extending the window for prospective applicants to submit project areas for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program. To allow for further participation, OBD will accept project area submissions through June 14, 2024.
The goal of the RFI process is to generate application areas that can be applied for competitively through the BEAD program. The RFI process allows potential BEAD applicants to indicate the geographic scope of projects for which they may apply for BEAD funding by submitting project areas. Additional project area submission (RFI) information is available on the OBD challenge webpage. Project areas can be submitted through broadbandmap.mo.gov or as shapefiles here.
OBD has also released the Local Coordination Template for the upcoming BEAD Program.
BEAD Initial Proposal, Volumes 1 and 2, Submitted to the NTIA
OBD has submitted Volumes 1 and 2 of its Initial Proposal for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).
- BEAD Initial Proposal (Submitted)
- BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 1 (Final Version)
- BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 2 (Not Final)
The Office of Broadband Development (OBD) has made changes to Volume II of its Initial Proposal for funding through the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program in response to requests from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), which must approve the plan before Missouri can begin deploying Missouri’s $1.7 billion BEAD allocation. This document indicates the status of the document as of June 2024, with notes about changes made due to NTIA curing. The final version of Volume II will be published when OBD receives NTIA approval.
The final version of Volume 1, approved by NTIA, is linked above and includes changes from previous documents noted and highlighted.
Files Referenced in Initial Proposal
- Submitted Broadband Funding Sources
- Submitted Deduplication Programs
- Submitted Community Anchor Institutions
- Submitted Underserved Location IDs
- Submitted Unserved Location IDs
BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 2 (Public Comment Closed)
Initial Proposal Volume 2 includes the state’s plan for how broadband projects will be awarded and monitored. The comment period for Volume 2 will remain open until December 15, 2023.
- BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 2 - Final
- Public Input Survey
- Attachment Climate Report
- Attachment Scoring Rubric
Templates for BEAD Round 1
This file collects templates that must be used for submission of various elements in BEAD Round 1, including the application certification, the project budget, lists of potential non-broadband-serviceable locations, and pricing tiers.
BEAD Initial Proposal Volume II Office Hours
BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 1 (Public Comment Closed)
Initial Proposal Volume 1 lays out the process through which OBD determines which locations in the state of Missouri should be eligible for funding through the BEAD program, which will bring improved broadband service to unserved and underserved locations across the state. OBD welcomes comment on the proposed process.
The 30-day comment period on this proposal closed on November 26.
- BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 1
- BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 1 (Submitted)
- List of unserved locations
- List of underserved locations
As part of Initial Proposal Volume 1, OBD has drawn on various datasets to create a list of community anchor institutions in the state of Missouri that may be eligible for improved service if they have internet speeds of less than 1 gigabit per second download and upload. The process OBD used to identify these locations is laid out in Initial Proposal Volume 1.
Representatives of community anchor institutions that were not included in the datasets used to produce this list can go to the MoBroadband Digital Asset Map survey and either pick the option to “Add a Digital Asset” or to “Provide information about internet service to a community anchor institution without adding it to the map.”
The public comment survey can also be used by community anchors that appear on the list without speed information to provide information about the speeds available to them. Community anchors will only be treated as BEAD eligible if they fall into one of the categories defined by OBD in the final version of its Initial Proposal.
Missouri to Receive Over $1.7 Billion in Funding through NTIA for Broadband Expansion (Press Release, June 26, 2023)
BEAD Five-Year Action Plan
The Five-Year Action Plan is a requirement of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program. The Office of Broadband submitted the final version of the State’s BEAD 5-Year Action Plan to NTIA, the federal agency responsible for the BEAD program, on August 28, 2023. This document provides a high-level outline of how Missouri will invest BEAD funding and other broadband-related resources across the state and highlights the state’s vision, goals, objectives, and strategies to help connect all Missourians to affordable, reliable high-speed internet. The 5-Year plan will inform the state’s BEAD Initial Proposal, which will set the rules governing the BEAD program.
- Pre-Qualification Application
The BEAD Pre-Qualification Application is the first step for potential BEAD Applicants.
The Pre-Qualification Application groups all general and non-scored BEAD application requirements into one application. Allowing applicants to respond one time for these functions. Pre-Qualification Applications will be applied to each of the applicants BEAD Applications. The Pre-Qualification Application must be started prior to filling out BEAD Scoring Applications.
The Pre-Qualification Application includes four sections:
- Entity Information
- Capability
- Public Funding Received
- Compliance and Other Program Certifications
This link is where applicants will register as a user in the grant portal before starting the application. Once applicants register in the portal, the OBD team will review and approve registrations on a rolling basis. Once approved, applicants will be able to start the Pre-Qualification Application.
Program Documents
BEAD Ownership and Leadership Information Form
Cybersecurity Risk Management Plan Description Form
E-Verify Supplemental Statement
Pre-Qual App Certification Statement - (Updated Jan. 3, 2025. Language updated clarifying the Cybersecurity and SCRM Plans are required to be submitted prior to the full execution of the Grant Agreement and allocation of funds. Additionally, applicants that submitted the earlier version of the document may operate under the terms of the updated document, which clarifies that rules against collusive communication do not bar coordination with local government as described in Initial Proposal Vol. 2, pp. 47-48, 58-59).
Supply Chain Risk Management Plan Description Form
Demo Videos
- BEAD Notices
BEAD Sub-Round 1
OBD is excited to announce that Round 1 participants submitted 519 applications to bring high-speed Internet to 192,284 homes and businesses in the state of Missouri, representing 90% of locations eligible for BEAD funding, in the primary phase of Round 1 of the Missouri BEAD program. The primary phase of Round 1 closed on Feb. 20, 2025. Submitted applications requested $3,931,522,483 in BEAD funding.
Applicants should be prepared to participate in the best-and-final offer process, should their project score in the top two submitted for an application area. OBD is announcing today the opening of Sub-Round 1, in which applications may be filed to serve the 21,120 locations in 444 application areas that did not receive an application in the primary phase of Round 1. This sub-round will be open for 30 days and will close on March 22, 2025. The $300 million cap on applicant requests in Round 1 is being waived for sub-round 1; applicants may request as much additional funding as desired to serve these locations. OBD has published a list of application areas and broadband-serviceable location eligible in sub-round 1 and other mapping resources online at ded.mo.gov/office-broadband-development/mapping.
Round 1 pre-qualifications remain valid for sub-round 1. Applicants that did not submit a pre-qualification application for the main round of Round 1 must file a pre-qualification for sub-round 1 by March 7. (February 21, 2025)
Publication of BEAD Pre-qualification Extension Policy
OBD published a document outlining how eligible BEAD applicants that are unable to secure required elements of the pre-qualification application due to factors outside their direct control may request an extension to the BEAD Pre-qualification Application deadline. The document is available here. (January 28, 2025)
USDA-funded Locations in Schuyler County will not be BEAD-Eligible
Due to confirmation of a broadband expansion award from the United States Department of Agriculture in Schuyler County, 435 broadband serviceable locations previously marked as BEAD-eligible will not be eligible for BEAD funding. Instead, these location will receive service through the USDA ReConnect Program for Fiscal Year 2024. These locations were previously associated with the application area Schuyler-3.0. All BEAD-eligible locations associated with Schuyler-3.0 were part of the USDA Reconnect award, so no BEAD funding will be issued in association with this application area. OBD has now confirmed awards for all the locations in the list of potentially funded locations published with OBD’s final application areas in November. A list of these location IDs, with an indication that the award has been confirmed, can be downloaded here. Applicants should note that data files published before this award was announced, including files published on OBD’s mapping page and the files used to generate summaries on broadbandmap.mo.gov and within the BEAD Scoring Application, will not reflect this change in BEAD eligibility. (January 8, 2024)
USDA-funded Locations in Daviess County will not be BEAD-Eligible
Due to confirmation of a broadband expansion award from the United States Department of Agriculture in Daviess County, 236 broadband serviceable locations previously marked as BEAD-eligible will not be eligible for BEAD funding. Instead, these location will receive service through the USDA ReConnect Program for Fiscal Year 2024 through an award to Grand River Mutual Telephone Company. These locations were previously associated with the application areas Daviess 1.0, Daviess 3.0, and Daviess 5.0. BEAD applicants interested in serving these application areas may refer to this file for a list of the location IDs within these application areas that fell within the boundaries of the ReConnect award and will no longer be eligible for BEAD funding. Applicants awarded these application areas will be obligated to serve only the locations associated within the application areas that are not within the boundary of the ReConnect award (178 locations in Daviess 1.0, 252 locations in Daviess 3.0, and 150 locations in Daviess 5.0). Applicants should note that data files published before this award was announced, including files published on OBD’s mapping page and the files used to generate summaries on broadbandmap.mo.gov and within the BEAD Scoring Application, will not reflect this change in BEAD eligibility. (January 2, 2024)
Publication of Wage Scale and Overtime Template
Under the terms of the BEAD Notice of Funding Opportunity, each state “must require submission of… information on applicable wage scales and wage and overtime payment practices for each class of employees expected to be involved directly in the physical construction of the broadband network” for BEAD projects.
In the interest of simplifying submission and review of this NTIA required information, OBD is providing a template that must be submitted as part of each BEAD Scoring Application. Applicants must fill out and submit this template as an element of the BEAD Workforce Plan to the upload field in Section II, Question 7 (Project Work Plan) on the BEAD Scoring Application in addition to the other document(s) submitted as parts of the Project Work Plan.
Publication of BEAD Consortium Policy
OBD published a document laying out the requirements for BEAD applications from consortium and multi-entity collaborations on December 20, 2024. The document is available here.
First Round of Subgrantee Selection for BEAD Program Opens December 5
The first round of subgrantee selection for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program in Missouri opens tomorrow, December 5. In preparation for the launch of BEAD Round 1, the Office of Broadband Development (OBD) has published Round 1 grant guidelines interpreting and applying elements of Missouri’s approved Initial Proposal for BEAD funding. Applicants should review these guidelines carefully before submitting applications for BEAD funding.
Key Dates for BEAD Round 1
July 3, 2024 - February 5, 2025
BEAD Pre-Qualification ApplicationDecember 5, 2024 - February 20, 2025
BEAD Scoring Round 1February 21, 2025 - March 23, 2025
BEAD Scoring Round 1 Sub-round
February 21, 2025 - April 21, 2025
Best and Final Offer (BAFO) PeriodsApril 22, 2025 (estimated)
Round 1 DeterminationsResources and Assistance
In addition to the grant guidelines, applicants may wish to reference:
- Principles for Payments to Subgrantees Under a Fixed Amount Subgrant
- OBD’s Guide to Apply
- Data available OBD's Mapping webpage under the “Application Areas” heading
- Recording of OBD's BEAD Scoring Application Walkthrough.
Further technical support documents and opportunities for live technical assistance will be offered throughout the application window:
- BEAD Round 1 Application Office Hours: Wednesday, December 18, at 3 p.m.
If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please contact us at broadband@ded.mo.gov or 573-526-1028.
Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program
Program Notes