The Office of Broadband Development (OBD) is focused on addressing broadband availability and non-infrastructure barriers to full participation in the digital economy in Missouri by working with providers, communities, and stakeholders to expand and accelerate broadband deployment across the state. There is critical need for broadband availability in Missouri. The Office of Broadband Development (OBD) is focused on addressing this issue by in five core areas including
- Increase broadband data collection and utilization
- Accelerate deployment of broadband infrastructure
- Leverage partnerships to accelerate broadband efforts.
- Increase broadband adoption & awareness
- Promote efficiencies in broadband development
OBD is currently funding broadband deployments to more than 60,000 locations in Missouri and funding construction of cell towers (see the "NTIA-BIP" and "ARPA" section for details). In 2024 OBD will launch a $1.7 billion broadband deployment to the remaining unserved and underserved locations in the state through its Connecting All Missourians initiative. Connecting All Missourians will also fund grants to organizations working to overcome non-infrastructure barriers to broadband adoption and use.
Broadband Public Notices
Past notices are available in the notices archive.
The Office of Broadband Development (OBD) is in the process of updating the OBD Website. The goals of the update are to create a more organized website and ease user experience. Please keep an eye out for updates and if you need assistance finding documents or information regarding a specific program or OBD generally, please reach out to
First Round of Subgrantee Selection for BEAD Program Opens December 5
The first round of subgrantee selection for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program in Missouri opens tomorrow, December 5. In preparation for the launch of BEAD Round 1, the Office of Broadband Development (OBD) has published Round 1 grant guidelines interpreting and applying elements of Missouri’s approved Initial Proposal for BEAD funding. Applicants should review these guidelines carefully before submitting applications for BEAD funding.
Read the full notice.
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