The Water/Wastewater Program is currently open. To apply, a community must go through the Missouri Water Wastewater Review Committee to receive an invitation to apply for CDBG funds.
This category provides funding for communities to make improvements to drinking water and wastewater systems, in partnership with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the US Department of Agriculture, Rural Development. Proposals can be obtained from the main funding partner at the time a gap in financing is identified. The Missouri Water and Wastewater Review Committee will help determine financing structures available among the participating agencies. If a need for CDBG funding is identified, the community will be invited to make full application.
Do I Qualify?
Program Benefits/Eligible Uses
Grants may be used for construction that is related to water treatment and distribution, and sewer treatment and collection for publicly owned systems. Operation and maintenance activities and not eligible.
Funding Limits
The maximum amount any applicant can apply for is $750,000 or $5,000 per household.
Application/Approval Procedure
Applications are open cycle (year-round) but require an invitation to apply after completing the Missouri Water and Wastewater Review Committee (MWWRC) process. This includes submission of a preliminary proposal and engineering report to MWWRC for review and comment. The proposal can be obtained from any of the three agencies at the time a gap in funding is suspected. The MWWRC meets monthly and is made up of members from USDA-Rural Development, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, and CDBG.
Special Program Requirements
Applicants must be sure that the project beneficiaries are at least 51% low-to-moderate income persons.
New water or sewer systems or expansion/upgrades of existing systems that have substantiated health concerns are prioritized. Successful applicants must demonstrate that rates will adequately cover operation, maintenance, reserves, emergencies, employee overhead, etc; or, the community must have initiated a graduated rate increase that will provide adequate operating costs over a period of years. Communities applying a regional approach to problem solving will receive priority consideration as well.
LMI National Objective
Any community attempting to qualify a project under the LMI Area Benefit (LMA) National Objective by Census must use the FY 2024 ACS 5-Year 2016-2020 Low- and Moderate-Income Summary Data, available on HUD’s website (accessed here). Data may be accessed on the right hand column of the website by selecting “Local Government Summaries” for municipal- and county-level data, or one of the other dataset links for other defined Census geographies.
**Please note that, at this time, HUD has not updated its LMI Mapping Tool with FY24 data so this should not be used to determine your project’s eligibility.
FY23 Income Limits
HUD has published the new income limits for any local income surveys.
How Do I Apply?
- Review Missouri Water/Wastewater Review Committee MWWRC Proposal Guidelines
- Acquire a MWWRC Proposal from one of the three funding partners as the time a financing gap is identified.
- Upload proposal and support documents to the CDBG MoFTP using username: ded.cdbg and password: BCSformupload2020
- Proposals will be reviewed for completeness, accuracy, funding structure, environmental safety, cost-effectiveness and long-term benefit by the MWWRC
- If CDBG funding is necessary, an Invitation to Apply and full application package will be provided to Applicant
Need Help?
CDBG Phone: (573)751-3600