The FY24 Emergency and Long-Term Recovery Cycles are currently open. Applications for these cycles are being accepted until funding is exhausted.
This category provides funding for communities to address urgent threats to health and safety of citizens as a result of a locally- or presidentially-declared disaster event. Proposals are accepted at any time, but must be submitted within 18 months of the disaster event; CDBG will review the proposal to determine whether the project will meet eligibility criteria and then invites the community to make a full application.
Do I Qualify?
- The recipient is a non-Entitlement Unit of General Local Government within the State of Missouri
- Project is designed to alleviate existing conditions which pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community.
- Project includes recovery activities which are of recent origin or which recently became urgent.
- The recipient is unable to finance the activity on its own.
- Other sources of funding, State or Federal, are not immediately available.
- A condition will generally be considered to be of recent origin if it developed and became critical within 18 months preceding the certification by recipient.
LMI National Objective
Any community attempting to qualify a project under the LMI Area Benefit (LMA) National Objective by Census must use the FY 2023 ACS 5-Year 2011-2015 Low- and Moderate-Income Summary Data, available on HUD’s website (accessed here). Data may be accessed on the right hand column of the website by selecting “Local Government Summaries” for municipal- and county-level data, or one of the other dataset links for other defined Census geographies.
**Please note that, at this time, HUD has not updated its LMI Mapping Tool with FY23 data so this should not be used to determine your project’s eligibility.
FY23 Income Limits
HUD has published the new income limits for any local income surveys.
How Do I Apply?
- Contact CDBG staff at to discuss nature of emergency and community response
- Download and complete CDBG Emergency/Long-term Recovery application
- Upload application and support documents to the CDBG MoFTP using username: ded.cdbg and password: BCSformupload2020
- Prepare an Exemption Related to Disasters and Imminent Threat Packet for environmental clearance, if applicable
- Upload packet to the CDBG MoFTP using username: ded.cdbg and password: BCSformupload2020
- Applications will be reviewed for completeness and accuracy by CDBG staff
- Address application inaccuracies sent via email
Need Help?
CDBG Phone: (573)751-3600