Connect with customers around the globe! By accessing financial assistance, you can participate in trade shows and missions and market your products to a worldwide audience.
Do I Qualify?
Eligibility requirements:
The target audience for this program is Missouri small businesses, primarily manufacturers, with 500 employees or less. DED will focus assistance to these small firms to new markets in order to ensure increased sales opportunities.
Must strive to export "Made in Missouri" products. "Made in Missouri" products must have a content consisting of 51% or more of instate produced or manufactured parts, labor, or value-added content or any combination thereof.
The program will cost-share a minimum of 40 new-to-market exporters and a minimum of 90 export activities and trade promotion projects as per the following eligibility company criteria:
- Is licensed to do business in the state of Missouri and is in good standing with the Missouri Secretary of State's office (must have been issued a Missouri Business Charter by the Secretary of State for at least one year).
- Must currently export to at least one market – including Canada
- A minimum of 50% of the eligible firms must be rural small business concerns (as per county of location)
- A minimum of 10% of the eligible firms must be women owned and controlled; minority owned and controlled; veteran owned and controlled; and/or socially and economically disadvantaged small business concerns
- A minimum of 10% of the eligible firms must be directly or indirectly affected by supply chain exports
How Do I Apply?
- Company applies to department's international unit for GMAP funding.
- Department evaluates request and provides award letter with the "not to exceed" approved amount and the time period for which it can be utilized.
- Company incurs and pavs costs related to approved export activities.
- Company submits copies of invoices/expenditures to department (must be submitted within 90 days of the execution of events) along with a tax clearance letter from the Missouri Department of Revenue.
- Department reimburses company for eligible costs (trade show booth fees, interpreter fees, marketing media costs, etc.).
Need Help?
If you have questions or need assistance:
Phone: 573-751-4855